Looking for some hobbies to enjoy as a man? We recommend finding hobbies that will make you more interesting, attractive, and fulfilled. In this article, we’ll be going over 3 hobbies that every man should include in their life. 


First, reading is one of the most important hobbies to incorporate into your daily life. Not only does it give you access to other people’s insights, it also gives you time to be with yourself and relax. 

Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, reading great books can change your perspective. This will in turn make you a more interesting person, as you’ll have a wider range of topics to discuss with others. 

Beyond this, reading is a proven stress reliever. Especially in the social media age, sitting down with a book is a way to slow down. It allows you to relax your mind, and focus your attention on a single thing for an extended time. 

Something to Keep You Active

man working out

While reading is perfect for training your mind, you should also train your body. Any form of physical activity is great for staying in shape and improving your mental health.

Don’t feel intimidated if you’ve never worked out before! Everybody starts somewhere. The most important part is that you’re trying something new. 

Going to the gym is great, but we understand it’s not for everybody. Find a sport you enjoy, whether it be basketball, tennis, or martial arts. Anything that gets you moving is great. Sports are also a great way to get together with friends and meet new people. 

Also, the deeper you get into fitness, the more in shape you’ll be. This will help with confidence, and in turn is likely to make you more attractive to other people as well. 

Something Creative

Finally, it’s important to have a hobby where you can express yourself and develop skills. Like reading, this is a great opportunity to spend some time with yourself and relax. Like working out, it’s also a great way to practice self-improvement. 

Spend some time experimenting with different creative pursuits. Maybe it’s drawing, writing, or learning an instrument. Pursue whatever captures your imagination, and dedicate time to it. Remember, you don’t need to be the next Da Vinci or John Lennon. Just have fun and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be “great”. 

This is something else that will build confidence, and make you more interesting to be around. By joining a class or finding other people who are into the same thing, you can turn this into a way to make new friends.  


Having hobbies you’re passionate about is one of the best ways to become a better all-around man. We recommend reading to expand your perspectives. We recommend staying active to get in shape and improve your mental health. Finally, find a creative outlet where you can develop skills and become more interesting. These will all add experiences to your life that can help make you the best version of yourself.