If you’re in a situation where someone’s overwhelmed or mad at you, you’re probably wondering how to calm them down. But, how do you do this?
In this article, we’ll be looking at how to calm someone down in a way that shows you care! Let’s get into it.
Listen to them
Especially if someone’s mad at you, much of the time it’s because they want to be heard. Actively listening can go a long way in helping someone calm down. This is often true if someone’s just generally overwhelmed as well. Having someone to vent to may be all they need to calm down.
If someone’s upset, the last thing they want is someone just telling them to calm down. So, if you want to help someone calm down, don’t talk over them or interrupt. Instead, allow them to share their feelings with you, and ask questions to help them go deeper.
Especially if someone’s going through a hard time, having someone listen can help them a lot. Often, giving someone a non-judgemental environment to talk will do wonders for them. This shows you care, and can also give you more perspective on how they feel.
So, if someone around you is upset, take this as an opportunity to figure out why. From here, you can offer comfort, or begin to work on a solution.
When is it OK to Walk Away?

While it’s always nice to try and help someone calm down, when is this not an option?
If someone you love is feeling depressed or anxious, we recommend giving them plenty of time to talk. People in these situations often need plenty of support. It can be beneficial to be there for them, especially when they’re overwhelmed.
While it’s important to help your loved ones out, you do need to prioritize your mental health as well. Do your best, but don’t feel bad if you need some time apart.
You can always help your loved ones seek out professional help if you feel they need it. While it’s good to have a support system, this will often be more helpful than solely relying on friends and family.
On the other hand, if someone is being outright hostile or abusive to you, it’s not up to you to calm them down. Especially if you fear the situation could escalate, it’s best to just remove yourself.
Remember, your safety and well-being should always be a priority. Never stay in a situation where someone isn’t willing to communicate peacefully. This can be counter-producitve, and even dangerous. This is true whether you’re dealing with a partner, a family member, or a stranger.
If someone around you is angry or upset, the best thing you can do is listen. This will give them space to calm themselves down and help you find a solution to the problem. While this will work in many situations, it’s also important to know when to walk away.