If your girlfriend wants to spend Valentine’s with her ex, in short, this is a massive red flag. Some people can maintain healthy friendships with their exes. But, it can be hard on new partners to have old flames hanging around. This is especially true if they want to spend special occasions with their ex instead of you.
In this article, we’ll be covering how to establish boundaries if your partner is spending too much time with an ex.
Are You OK with Your Partner Being Friends With Their Ex?

First off, consider how comfortable you are with your partner spending any time with their ex. This can be a touchy area for a lot of people, but it’s important to set boundaries. Consider how close they are with their ex and how often they see each other.
In many cases, a partner being friends with their ex is a major red flag. This is especially true if they spend a lot of time with them one-on-one. It may be difficult for you to fully trust your partner if they’re too close to their ex. You may suspect they still have feelings for their ex, which can lead to jealousy and trust issues.
On the other hand, you may find it normal for your partner to maintain some contact with their ex. So, this largely comes down to your personal comfort level. Still, while your partner may assure you that it’s no big deal, you have to decide how comfortable you are with this.
If you don’t want your partner spending time with their ex, that’s a perfectly valid issue to bring up. If they still maintain that it’s no big deal, this shows a clear lack of respect for your boundaries. As a result, this may be a sign that this isn’t someone you want to be in a relationship with.
Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Partner Spend Valentine’s With their Ex
In short, your partner wanting to spend Valentine’s Day with anybody but you is a huge red flag. This is true regardless of how you feel about your partner being friends with their ex,
This is because Valentine’s is meant to be a celebration of your partnership and love for each other. If your partner wants to spend this day with someone other than you, they likely don’t value your relationship.
Valentine’s should still be reserved for you and your partner. Some may not see Valentine’s as a big deal. But, most people see it as an important day to show love and appreciation for their partners.
So, if your partner suggests spending Valentine’s with their ex, this is a sign of clear disrespect. We recommend walking away from anyone who would rather spend time with their ex than you. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself, and make sure your partner knows that you deserve better.
Overall, nobody should be spending Valentine’s Day with their ex instead of their partner. If this is something your girlfriend wants to do, you should let her. Just make sure she knows you’re not sticking around if she does.