woman talking through megaphone

If you feel your wife talks too much, there are a few things you can do. First, we don’t recommend saying you feel this way directly. You should be glad your wife wants to talk to you. This is a sign that she wants to be open and share her life with you.

With that being said, it can be difficult living with someone who talks more than you’d like. So, it may be effective to set boundaries with your wife. If you need time alone, it’s ok to express this. In this article, we’ll be giving you some solutions to this problem that won’t end in a fight. 

Why It’s Important Not to Tell Your Wife to Stop Talking

couple talking together

If you feel your wife talks too much, you might be tempted to be direct with her and tell her to stop. Here’s why this isn’t a great idea. 

First, even if this isn’t how you feel, you’re pretty much telling your wife you don’t care about what she has to say. With communication being key to any relationship, you should try your best to listen to your wife. Saying she talks too much will likely break down communication between you. Instead, try to find a way to express your feelings while still being respectful. 

Why Do You Want Your Wife to Stop Talking?

If you feel your wife talks too much, it may come down to one of two reasons. First, you may feel your wife dominates your conversations. Two, you might need more quiet time than you’re getting. 

If you feel like you can’t get a word in edgewise with your partner, it’s important to express this. Try to enter this conversation gently. But, explain that you would appreciate more space to share your thoughts with your wife. While it may take some work, your wife should care about what you have to say. Remember that relationships are two-way streets. So, you should both be listening to each other. 

But, what if you need some more time to yourself? This is also something you need to express to your wife. Make it clear that you love spending time with her, but also make it clear that you want more quiet time. 

Keep in mind that you don’t have to be separate for this. Consider setting aside some time to be quiet together. Maybe you can read together or do other quiet activities. This is a good way to show your wife you still want to spend time with her, even if you don’t feel up to talking all the time. 

Of course, if you need some separation that’s ok too. Many couples enjoy regular time apart from each other. So, don’t be afraid to express this if it’s something you need to make your relationship work!


While it may be tempting to tell your wife she talks too much, we recommend avoiding this. Instead, express your feelings gently, and try to find a solution that works for both of you.