No matter how good your relationship seems to be going, it’s never a bad idea to check in with your partner. Asking a few questions can help you see if you’re both on the same page and if you’re happy in the relationship together. 

In this article, we’ll be covering a few questions to ask that can help you learn more about how you both feel. Let’s get into it!

How to Ask a Good Relationship Check-In Question

couple talking together

While we can give suggestions, at the end of the day, you know more about your relationship than we do. So, only ask questions that feel relevant to your situation. 

Relationship check-in questions should open up a conversation between you and your partner. One great place to start is talking about the future. For example:

  • Where do you see us both in 5 years?
  • How do you feel about marriage and children?
  • Would you ever want to adopt children?
  • What’s something special you want us to do together in the future? 

These questions will help you get a good idea of what your partner’s expectations are. By sharing both your answers, you should get a feel for how you both see your relationship moving forward. 

Of course, you can also focus more on the present. Some more questions to ask could include:

  • Is there anything you want me to be doing differently?
  • Are you happy with where our relationship is right now? 

These questions will allow you to address any current problems you’re having. This is a good way to sort out any issues you may have that you haven’t recognized.

When to Ask Relationship Check-In Questions?

Now that we’ve covered what kinds of questions you should be asking, it’s important to consider when to ask them as well. Understand that these questions may lead to more in-depth conversations. 

As a result, it’s important to start these conversations when you have time to talk. It’s never a good idea to start a conversation like this when you’ll only be able to speak for 10 minutes. Instead, try to talk when you have at least an hour alone together. While you may not need this long, it’s important to have enough time to go in-depth on your relationship. 

Also, try to find a time when you’re both relaxed and in a good mood. It’s not a good idea to ask questions like this when you’re both feeling emotional. 

Finally, consider your answers to these questions before asking them to your partner. This will give you a better idea of how you’re feeling before starting the conversation. Also, taking the lead may take some pressure off of your partner. 


Asking some check-in questions is a great way to see if you and your partner are on the same page. Focus on the future to see if you want the same things in your relationship. Ask about the present instead if you want to work out any existing issues. 

Having these conversations is a great way to establish open communication. This will ensure a stronger relationship in the long run.