woman weighing herself

If you’re concerned about some extra weight your girlfriend’s put on, you may be tempted to tell her to lose weight. Before going any further, you should know this probably isn’t a good idea. There aren’t many scenarios where this conversation would go well for you. 

We’ll be looking at better ways to help your girlfriend lose weight. First, we’ll be looking at why a bit of extra weight isn’t a big deal. Still, if you’re concerned about her health, there are better ways to go about helping her. This is mainly through leading by example, instead of just telling her.

Why Do You Want Your Girlfriend to Lose Weight? 

First, consider why you think your girlfriend should lose weight. 

Do you find her less attractive because of this? While these are valid feelings, telling your girlfriend to lose weight isn’t a good strategy. This will probably make your girlfriend insecure, and cause strain in your relationship.

We recommend accepting your girlfriend as she is, and not worrying too much about her weight. If you truly love your partner, a little bit of extra weight shouldn’t change the way you feel. If it does, there are probably bigger issues in your relationship than just weight.

But, what if you’re concerned about her health? Women are subject to plenty of unreasonable beauty standards when it comes to weight. Still, obesity is a very real problem for many people. If this extra weight is a genuine health concern, there are better ways to help your girlfriend.

How to Help Your Girlfriend Lose Weight

The best way to help someone lose weight is to lead by example. Don’t tell your girlfriend to lose weight. Instead, help her adopt a healthier lifestyle. 

couple exercising together

If you’re into health and fitness, invite her to work out with you. This will help make your relationship part of a more active lifestyle. This might involve going to the gym together, going for runs, or finding a sport you both enjoy. Be sure to encourage her every step of the way, and make it clear that you enjoy working out together. 

Also, remember that most weight loss happens in the kitchen. Take this as an opportunity to eat healthier with your girlfriend. Instead of getting fast food, consider meal-prepping healthier options together. Cooking is also a great opportunity to spend some quality time together. 

You’ll both be much more likely to stick to a diet and exercise routine if you’re doing it together. So, this is also a great strategy to get into better shape yourself!


If you’re tempted to tell your girlfriend to lose weight, think twice before doing so. This is a surefire way to start an argument and add unnecessary strain to your relationship.

A better strategy would be to lead by example. Do this by being active and eating healthier with your partner. This is a great way to get in shape together. It will also take the pressure off your girlfriend to lose weight on her own.