Do you feel like you’re putting a lot of effort into your relationship and your partner doesn’t appreciate it? Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to feel taken for granted in a relationship.

In this article, we’ll be going over what to do if you start to feel taken for granted. Try communicating this to your partner, but understand that they may never appreciate you the way you want. If this is the case, you may be better off moving on.

Tell Your Partner You Feel Taken for Granted

man doing chores

The best place to start in this situation is to talk to your partner about how you feel. Before doing this, however, consider why you feel taken for granted. 

Do you feel you do the majority of household chores? Does your partner not reciprocate your affection? Does your partner not want to spend much quality time with you? Whatever the reason is, thinking of examples can make this conversation easier. This will also give your partner specific things to work on after you talk. 

Try to find a time when you can have a private conversation with your partner about these issues. Remember that communication is key to all relationships, and your partner may not recognize they’ve been taking you for granted. Ideally, if they care about you and your relationship, they’ll take your feelings to heart and try to do better. 

Unfortunately, this won’t always be the case, which we’ll be covering more in-depth down below.

What to Do if Your Partner Keeps Taking You For Granted 

However, what if your partner continues to take you for granted even after you talk to them? While you can continue to bring up these issues, understand your partner may never appreciate you as much as you want.

If this is the case, you have two options. One, you can accept that your partner takes you for granted and try to make your relationship work. Or two, you can end things, and try to move on. 

At the end of the day, nobody deserves to feel taken for granted in a relationship. Your effort should be both appreciated and reciprocated. If your partner isn’t willing to put in the effort to make your relationship work, you may be better off on your own or with someone else. 

While it can be difficult, understand that not all relationships are meant to last. If you feel your partner doesn’t appreciate you as much as you’d like, try finding someone else who does. 


If you feel like your partner is taking you for granted, the most important thing you can do is talk to them about it. This not only tells them how you feel but gives them an opportunity to do better in your relationship. While it may be a difficult conversation, it’s necessary if you want to feel more appreciated.

However, if your partner is unwilling to put in the work, accept that you may be better off without them.