Are you concerned that your wife may be attracted to her boss? Maybe you’ve noticed something about the way she talks about them. Or, perhaps she gets defensive whenever they’re brought up. Regardless of the specific situation, there are a few ways you can go about handling this situation. 

It’s important to figure out if this is all in your head, if it’s an innocent crush, or if it’s something to be concerned about. Try to sort this out before bringing it up. Once you’ve done this, the best way to move forward is to talk with your wife and figure out how to address the problem. 

Why Do You Think Your Wife is Attracted to Her Boss? 

man talking to wife

Before bringing this issue up with your partner, reflect on why you feel this way. Consider your relationship with your wife, and if any issues may need to be addressed. If she is becoming attracted to her boss, it may be because of underlying issues at home.

Also, consider whether your wife being attracted to her boss is an issue worth bringing up. If your wife has an innocent crush on her boss with no intention of infidelity, there’s likely nothing to worry about, it’s not always worth the conflict or considering breaking up over. Keep in mind that trust is a big part of making a marriage work. 

If you feel your wife may be cheating on you, then this is an issue that likely needs to be addressed. Regardless, the best way to clear the air and avoid ruminating is to bring it up with your wife.

How to Address the Issue

With an issue like this, it’s important to come off as non-judgemental as possible. If you enter the conversation with an accusatory tone, you’ll have a hard time having an open discussion. 

By approaching the subject openly, you’ll be able to have a productive conversation. Bring up your concerns, but don’t jump into any accusations. Ideally, your wife will be honest with you about how she feels, and you’ll be able to settle the issue. 

Your wife may get defensive and shut the conversation down. This isn’t a great sign, as it suggests the topic may be a sore spot. Your wife may feel like she’s being accused of infidelity, or she may even be hiding something from you

In this case, assert that you’re not accusing her of anything and that you just want to hear her side of the story. While this will likely be a tough conversation to have, either way, it’s worth the discomfort to settle the issue. 


Bringing up insecurities is never easy. But, remember that open communication is a huge part of making any marriage work. It’s much better to get your concerns out into the open and to have a mature discussion instead of holding them in. Rumination about an issue like this will only lead to resentment, so bring it up to your wife – even if it’s hard.