If your girlfriend wants to go away on holiday with another guy, usually it’s a question of trust more than anything else. There are lots of potential scenarios to explore, but most importantly it is crucial that you do not use this article to look for excuses to accuse your girlfriend of doing something bad.
There are lots of legitimate reasons why a woman in a relationship may go on vacation with another man, although there are some occasions when it could truly be concerning. We will look at each of these scenarios in this article.
The Guy is Part of a Group of Friends

If the guy that she is going on vacation with is part of a wider group that is going away, then this should not be an issue. Your girlfriend should be allowed to have male friends and you should embrace that too. If you try to force her not to have male friends then this is controlling behavior that is seriously unhealthy.
On the one hand, that behavior could cause your girlfriend to leave you. But on the other hand it could cause your girlfriend to stay with you but be deeply unhappy and feel alienated, especially if she can no longer see that group of friends.
If you are still worried about your girlfriend going on vacation with a group that includes one or more guys, the question should instead be about whether or not you trust her.
Going Away with Only One Guy

It’s easy to understand why your girlfriend going away with only one guy can seem strange. Historically most of the world has had very traditional views when it comes to inter-sex friendships and if you still have those types of attitudes, it is easy to understand why, especially if you are from a culture where that is still the norm.
However, you absolutely should be trying to overcome those attitudes when trying to build a relationship in the 21st century.
If the guy is a friend who she knows well enough to go on vacation with, then they have likely had a non-romantic relationship for quite a while. The odds are that their friendship likely existed long before you arrived, so it is not your place to interfere.
An archaic view is that men and women cannot be friends unless one of them is non-straight. Again, this is boloney and is very heteronormative. Men and women absolutely can, and do, have non-romantic friendships and so the fact that your partner’s friend is a guy should not worry you. If it does, again that is about trust, not about gender.
It’s a Work Trip

If your girlfriend is going on holiday with male colleagues because it is a work trip, you hardly need to be told that this is not a problem. If you are worried about this then it suggests that you either have trust issues or you have sexist views towards what women should be “allowed” to do.
We would highly encourage you to start challenging those archaic ideas and begin to embrace the modern world where your girlfriend can be free to fulfil her career and life goals without others attempting to control her.
The Guy is a Stranger

If the guy your girlfriend is going away with is a stranger then it is fair to see why you might be concerned. Aside from the fact that holidaying with a stranger is very unusual, you will likely be concerned for their safety (but do not use this safety concern to as an excuse if that’s not the real reason you are worried).
There are instances where you partner may go on holiday with a stranger, like if they are travelling and making new friends on the road, and the latest friend just happens to be a guy. Or if they are part of a tour group with few sign ups so it’s just the two of them. Or sometimes people even just sign up to do quirky things they found online! All of these things are absolutely fine to do and you shouldn’t be worried that it will affect your relationship.
Safety is a legitimate concern, but you should make sure to frame it very carefully and propose solutions where she can still go on holiday but be safe. If she is planning to meet a stranger, suggest that she do it in public places such as a bar or coffee shop rather than at his house for example.
In some countries, gender-based violence is particularly high so you may wish to express that concern by doing some research together and being a proactive partner. You should avoid suggesting she abandon all of her plans and should instead look for ways in which she can continue to feel excited to go away.
Trust Issues

Worrying all the time that your girlfriend is being unfaithful is likely worse for your relationship than your girlfriend being friends with a man. If you feel that your girlfriend is generally irresponsible whenever she goes out and you think that she will cheat on you whenever she is in the presence of a man, then the problem is on you not her.
Even if you think that it only applies to good looking men, or maybe just men who share her interests, or just one particular guy, then you should sit yourself down and consider the reality.
Jealousy in straight men is a very common issue, but most of the time it is completely unfounded. However, if you do have some reasons to believe that your partner will cheat on you, and you do not wish to have a polyamorous relationship, you should be prepared to leave her if it does happen. Prolonging an unhealthy relationship will only cause you both to become deeply unhappy and, despite how hard it may be to leave, ending it could help you move forward and grow as a person.
If your trust issues are actually unfounded and you have reached this conclusion yourself, well done. It takes some guts to admit you were being unreasonable. You should talk to your partner and apologize if necessary.
The next step is to work together to overcome those trust issues. Most people have issues relating to other relationships (romantic or non-romantic), so it is unfair to burden your new partner with them. It will likely take time and you may have to bite your tongue, but you will both feel much happier in the long run if you can learn to overcome it.